Fungus on the toes is a common contagious fungal disease. Athlete's foot affects the dermis, becomes the root cause of mass discomfort. When infection occurs itching, burning, husking epidermis. In more advanced forms there is pain syndrome.

Fungus on the toes is a common contagious fungal disease. Athlete's foot affects the dermis, becomes the root cause of mass discomfort. When infection occurs itching, burning, husking epidermis. In more advanced forms there is pain syndrome.
Treating the disease should begin with the appearance of the first symptoms. Fungus dangerous because it poisons the body with toxins. To treat skin fungus can be started only after diagnosis by a specialist.
Forms of development of the fungus
In medical practice, the fungus has several forms. There are the following:
- Erased (mild). This is the first form of the disease. Appears a slight peeling of the cover.
- Squamous gipertroficescoy. Formed a whitish crust. There is a burning sensation.
- Intertriginous. The affected area swells and reddens. Have deep bleeding cracks.
- Disgidroticheskaya. Is characterized by the emergence of a large number of bubbles.
In some cases, the athlete's foot becomes a cause not only cracks. With the progression of fungal infection can appear small size blisters filled with clear or cloudy contents. For this pathology the dermis begins to become red and swollen. Over time the bubbles burst and in their place appear the hollows. Painful sores, and a very long time to heal. Scars in this phenomenon does not occur.
In the case of the erased form the epidermis is not really changing. In the case of chronic dermis departs only on partial areas. The most obvious symptoms are husking and roughness of the skin. Gradually, the dermis is very tough and yellowish tint. Over time the athlete can move to the hip, thigh and buttocks.

The fungi
Disease cause 50 species of fungi, which can be divided into 3 groups:
- dermatomitsety;
- yeast;
- molds.
The first group represents 90% of fungal infections and onychomycosis, and 9% for the second group and only 1% on the latter.
The main reasons that there's skin fungus on legs, these are:
- stay in public areas with damp environments, such as swimming pools or sauna;
- excessive sweating;
- within-family infection, in the case of a sick relative;
- constant sores and wounds on the skin;
- too tight or uncomfortable shoes;
- non-observance of rules of personal hygiene.
There are other factors and reasons that there is a fungus on my feet. These include:
- walking barefoot on the grass;
- hypovitaminosis;
- dysbiosis;
- varicose veins;
- long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
- pathology of the lymph vessels and capillaries;
- local hypothermia;
- psychosomatic disorders;
- stay in unsanitary conditions;
- overweight;
- unhealthy lifestyle;
- diabetes mellitus;
- the period of gestation;
- flat feet and the effects of dislocations;
- the reduced blood circulation in the lower extremities.

Important! Whatever the cause of the disease, it is necessary to start timely competent treatment.
This infection is quite often affects the fingers of the lower extremities. This is seen in the form of constant itching between fingers and cracks on the dermis of the feet. How to treat fungus will be decided only by the doctor after examining the patient.
The illness usually starts with big toe. But not so rarely occurring fungus on little toe. The disease appear the following symptoms:
- the husking of the dermis in the folds between the fingers;
- the formation of cracks;
- itching;
- pain in the infected parts;
- excessive sweating of the feet;
- the canopy density feet;
- change the appearance and structure of fingernails.
As soon as the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment of dangerous fungus on the toes. The fungus spreads very rapidly and eventually affects the whole foot and nails. This causes not only discomfort but severe pain. Occurs intoxication.
How to diagnose the disease
In order to identify the fungus skin feet, just enough to carry out a survey of the epidermis of the feet, nails and interdigital parts. Typical signs help to confirm the presence of the disease. To determine what fungus was the causative agent, takes a scraping from the affected nail plate.
This scraping is sent to the laboratory for analysis. Bacteriological culture helps to accurately identify the stimulus. Usually such results are ready one week after date of analysis. Upon receiving results, the doctor can tell you how to cure fungus.
To treat fungus on toes can start only after accurate diagnosis. How to get rid of the fungus, will be able to tell the attending physician. It is important to remember that the treatment should be complex. It can be:

- the local use of ointments, creams and gels;
- the system with the use of tablets, Immunostimulants, and various vitamin complexes;
- folk remedies such as baths, lotions, and homemade ointments and creams.
Whatever the reason, how to treat the doctor says after the examination. It is not necessary to resort to self-medication.
Local treatment of the disease
Local therapy is effective in the first stage of the disease, when the infection involves the dermis between your fingers. Drugs local impact is actively used in a parallel loss of nails.
Assign appropriate tool can only be a dermatologist. To self-medicate is contraindicated because the drugs have a lot of extraneous effects. It can cause enormous harm.
When infection of the folds between the fingers it is recommended to use creams and ointments. The dermis in this part is very delicate, so any careless action can easily do more damage. This will cause the spread of infection.
Over cracks apply a thin layer. When processing the dermis to cause the cure is not only in infected areas but also 2-3 cm around. This will help to get rid of the elements of fungus on a healthy dermis.
In what form to buy drugs depends on how the fungus looks. When dry it is recommended to buy ointment. It penetrates deep inside. It is effective against fungus, passed into the chronic form. The ointment is always to be applied under the bandage. In this case, the active components penetrate even deeper.
In the case of aggravation of the infection, you should use the creams. This form is quickly absorbed in the epidermis. Medications in the form of creams do not penetrate into the deeper layers.
Some drugs are manufactured in two forms. In this case, the experts can recommend an ointment to lubricate the night cream to use during the day. The choice of drug depends on the type of pathogen.
Systemic treatment
Treatment of fungal infection is possible not only through local media but also with the pills. The system approach is shown in case of significant infection and during the transition of the fungus on the nails and feet. This files most often prescribed drugs, developed on the basis of fluconazole and Itraconazole.
Long-term use of such drugs can become the root cause for the failure of the functioning of the whole organism. For this reason, the funds could be taken only after a full examination by a specialist.
A course of therapy with antibacterial medicines must be brought to an end. Otherwise there will be no effect from the received funds. To achieve treatment will be extremely difficult.
Treatment of folk remedies
Treatment of folk recipes involves the use of a variety of means: baths, ointments, creams, decoctions, lotions, compresses. This method of treatment is effective in the complex therapy of the disease. The most effective recipes are:
- Foot bath with vinegar. In a bowl, pour 9% vinegar and put it in his feet. To pour such a quantity that it completely covered the whole foot. Previously, the liquid should be slightly warm. Feet to keep the basin at least a quarter of an hour.
- A mixture of butter and garlic. Crush the garlic and mix with melted butter. 100 grams of butter will need 2 cloves. After washing the feet of the legs well dry and apply medicine. Improvements can be noticed after a week. Treating the affected parts should be within a month. This ointment helps eliminate the itching and pain.
- Infusion of chamomile, Bur marigold and violets. Take all herbs in equal proportion and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse, then filter. Cotton swabs moistened in the solution and apply to affected areas.
- If the symptoms are not pronounced, it is advisable to do trays of aspen bark. In half a liter of liquid add 100 grams of bark.
- In the summer time it is recommended to treat the disease with the help of the leaves of mountain ash. Grind to a pulp and apply as a compress for 10 minutes.
- Effective bath with the addition of baking soda and salt. In a bowl of liquid add 1 tablespoon of both components. Put the feet for 15-20 minutes. After manipulation, rinse with warm water and wipe dry.
- Herbal decoction for internal use. For the preparation of the drug need yarrow, wormwood, burdock, and plantain. All the herbs are mixed in equal proportions. To prepare the medication you need one tablespoon pour 100 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse, then filter. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

For successful treatment it is recommended to combine topical treatment with the system. Folk remedies are appointed as additional drugs. The choice of means depends on the stage of disease and presence of secondary infection.
Possible complications
Fungus of the toes is dangerous for health that can easily begin to spread to healthy areas of the skin. Illiterate treatment or not fully cured, the disease is able to attract other diseases. The consequences can be the following:
- affects the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and extremities;
- soreness of the feet during movement and at rest;
- fungal infection of the thumb is very often the cause of progression of diabetes;
- starts gangrene and bone infection;
- hypersensitivity to the fungus.
If it's too long to treat a foot fungus, the infection spreads throughout the body and affects the internal organs.
Every physician can attest to the fact that to prevent the fungus on the toes is much easier than to treat it later. Especially if progressing mycosis of interdigital areas. Occurs the symptoms are extremely unpleasant. To treat the disease need a very long time and after treatment to follow some rules:
- It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is forbidden to use other people's hygiene items.
- In swimming pools and saunas to always wear Slippers, and in any case not to walk barefoot. After washing feet, Pat dry and treat with lemon juice.
- To pay due attention to the condition of the dermis of the feet.
- Moisturize the skin using special cosmetic means. This will help to avoid cracks.
- To monitor your health and to prevent the decline of immunity.
- Inside shoes to handle vinegar.
- Socks every day to wear new and to buy only from natural materials.
- Have to do the foot bath at home.

Fungal spores are killed by the action of chlorine. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct regular treatment of the room. Fungi are afraid of high temperature.
From the above we can conclude that the foot fungus is a very dangerous disease. The consequences can be extremely negative to human health. It is not necessary to self-medicate in order not to cause complications.